J ANUARY : 1A 2b 3c 4d 5e 6f 7g 8A 9b 10c 11d 12e 13f 14g 15A 16b 17c 18d 19e 20f 21g

22A 23b 24c 25d 26e 27f 28g 29A 30b 31c

F EBRUARY : 1d 2e 3f 4g 5A 6b 7c 8d 9e 10f 11g 12A 13b 14c 15d 16e 17f 18g 19A 20b 21c 22d 23e 24f 25g 26A 27b 28c 29 -

M ARCH : 1d 2e 3f 4g 5A 6b 7c 8d 9e 10f 11g 12A 13b 14c 15d 16e 17f 18g 19A 20b 21c 22d-14 23e-3 24f 25g-11 26A 27b-19 28c-8 29d 30e-16 31f-5

A PRIL : 1g 2A-13 3b-2 4c 5d-10 6e 7f-18 8g-7 9A 10b-15 11c-4 12d 13e-12 14f-1 15g 16A-9 17b-17 18c-6 19d 20e 21f 22g 23A 24b 25c 26d 27e 28f 29g 30A

N OTE : The Numbers here added to the several Days between the Twenty-first Day of March and the Eighteenth Day of April, both inclusive, denote Days upon which those Full Moons do fall, which happen upon or next after the Twenty-first Day of March, in those Years, of which they are respectively the Golden numbers: And the Sunday Letter next following nay such Full Moon pointeth out Easter-Day for that Year. All which holdeth until the Year of our Lord 2199 inclusive.

M AY : 1b 2c 3d 4e 5f 6g 7A 8b 9c 10d 11e 12f 13g 14A 15b 16c 17d 18e 19f 20g 21A 22b 23c 24d 25e 26f 27g 28A 29b 30c 31d

J UNE : 1e 2f 3g 4A 5b 6c 7d 8e 9f 10g 11A 12b 13c 14d 15e 16f 17g 18A 19b 20c 21d 22e 23f 24g 25A 26b 27c 28d 29e 30f

J ULY : 1g 2A 3b 4c 5d 6e 7f 8g 9A 10b 11c 12d 13e 14f 15g 16A 17a 18b 19c 20d 21e 22f 23g 24A 25b 26c 27d 28f 29g 30A 31b

A UGUST : 1c 2d 3e 4f 5g 6A 7b 8c 9d 10e 11f 12g 13A 14b 15c 16d 17e 18f 19g 20A 21b 22c 23d 24e 25f 26g 27A 28b 29c 30d 31e

S EPTEMBER : 1f 2g 3A 4b 5c 6d 7e 8f 9g 10A 11b 12c 13d 14e 15f 16g 17A 18b 19c 20d 21e 22f 23g 24A 25b 26c 27d 28e 29f 30g

O CTOBER : 1A 2b 3c 4d 5e 6f 7g 8A 9b 10c 11d 12e 13f 14g 15A 16b 17c 18d 19e 20f 21g 22A 23b 24c 25d 26e 27f 28g 29A 30b 31c

N OVEMBER : 1d 2e 3f 4g 5A 6b 7c 8d 9e 10f 11g 12A 13b 14c 15d 16e 17f 18g 19A 20b 21c 22d 23e 24f 25g 26A 27b 28c 29d 30e

D ECEMBER : 1f 2g 3A 4b 5c 6d 7e 8f 9g 10A 11b 12c 13d 14e 15f 16g 17A 18b 19c 20d 21e 22f 23g 24A 25b 26c 27d 28e 29f 30g 31A