![]() THROUGHOUT THE Y EAR R ULES TO KNOW WHEN THE M OVEABLE F EASTS AND H OLY - DAYS BEGIN . E ASTER -D AY (on which all the rest depend) is always the first S UNDAY after the Full Moon which happeneth upon, or next after, the Twenty-first day of March : and if the Full Moon shall happen upon a S UNDAY , E ASTER -D AY is the S UNDAY after. A DVENT S UNDAY is always the S UNDAY nearest to the Feast of S AINT A NDREW whether before or after. S EPTUAGESIMA S UNDAY is Nine Weeks before E ASTER . S EXAGESIMA S UNDAY is Eight Weeks before E ASTER . Q UINQUAGESIMA S UNDAY is Seven Weeks before E ASTER . A SH W EDNESDAY is Forty Days before E ASTER . Q UADRAGESIMA S UNDAY is Six Weeks before E ASTER . R OGATION S UNDAY is Five Weeks after E ASTER . A SCENSION -D AY is Forty Days after E ASTER . W HITSUNDAY is Seven Weeks after E ASTER . T RINITY S UNDAY is Eight Weeks after E ASTER . C ORPUS C HRISTI is the T HURSDAY after T RINITY S UNDAY . The O CTAVES of the Christian Year are reckoned as being the Holy-day itself and the six or seven days following next after. The O CTAVES appointed to observed are as followeth: C HRISTMASTIDE , which is C HRISTMAS -D AY and seven days after. E PIPHANYTIDE , which is E PIPHANY -D AY and seven days after. E ASTERTIDE , which is E ASTER -D AY and seven days after. A SCENSIONTIDE , which is A SCENSION -D AY and seven days after. W HITSUNTIDE , which is W HITSUNDAY and six days after. A SSUMPTIONTIDE , which is A SSUMPTION -D AY and seven days after. M ICHAELMASTIDE , which is M ICHAELMAS -D AY and seven days after. H ALLOWMASTIDE , which is A LL S AINTS ’ D AY and seven days after. The S EASONS of the Christian Year are: The four weeks of A DVENT ; the twelve days of C HRISTMASTIDE ; the weeks of G REAT E PIPHANYTIDE ; the forty days of L ENT ; the two weeks of P ASSIONTIDE ; the forty days of E ASTERTIDE ; the three days of R OGATIONTIDE ; and all the weeks from T RINITY S UNDAY until A DVENT S UNDAY which are called T RINITYTIDE |