The Christian Episcopal Church of Canada is an Anglican Church which
continues to uphold, maintain, and transmit the traditional Doctrine,
Order and Discipline of the Church of England in the Dominion of Canada
as it was established by the First General Synod in 1893.
Therefore, the Christian Episcopal Church of Canada is a national Church
of the Anglican tradition, and is a branch and integral portion of the
one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
The Christian Episcopal Church of Canada is a daughter Church of the
Church of England, and adheres to the Anglican Religious Settlement as
it was set forth by the Church of England in the Thirty-nine Articles of
Religion of 1562 and in the Book of Common Prayer of 1662.
The Christian Episcopal Church of Canada confesses, upholds, and
maintains the orthodox Christian Faith as it was revealed by God in the
Holy Scriptures, and as it is expressed in the three Creeds and in the
Dogmatic Definitions of the Ecumenical Councils of the undivided
Catholic Church.
The Christian Episcopal Church of Canada preserves, upholds, and
maintains the Catholic Religion as it was established by the Holy
Apostles and handed down from generation to generation by all faithful
Christians within the one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of God.
The Christian Episcopal Church of Canada has received, preserved, and
transmits unimpaired, the authentic Apostolic Succession through the
properly consecrated orthodox Bishops of the Anglican Communion, and
maintains the integrity and sacramental validity of the Orders of
Bishop, Priest, and Deacon.
The Christian Episcopal Church of Canada is a national Canadian Church,
and upholds the right of every national Church to govern itself, and to
oversee its own affairs within its own borders. For this reason, the
Christian Episcopal Church of Canada continues to uphold and maintain
the ancient doctrine of the Church of England that the Queen is the
Supreme Governor of the Christian Church within those Realms and
Dominions subject to Her Majesty; and that this Royal Supremacy is
agreeable to the Word of God and ought to be preserved and maintained.
Please feel free to look around, and please enjoy your stay with us!